Thursday, March 11, 2010

Moose Fallen On Hard Times but Is Given Shelter

Moose returns to Glint to resume her taxi service and was caught wearing shoes by Master Hammer of the Glint Security Force.  She attempted to explain that she needed shoes to operate the heavy carriage.  Instead of understanding her plight, the officer was rude and remarked about her weight then demanded her shoes.  Moose tried not to show how hurt she was at the comments made as she has a secret crush on Sir Hammer.  She meekly surrendered her shoes.
Forced to operate the taxi without shoes, Moose soon was unable to continue pulling the carriage and had to park it.
Good news for Moose was that one of the citizens took pity on her and invited her to their home.  Moose is spending the nite at Gera's home near where her "Spooky House" once was. 
Moose enters the home after politely knocking several times.  As she did have permission to say in the home, she tests the door and finds it unlocked.  She opens the door, announces herself,  and looks about but  sees no one and touches nothing as that would be rude.  Moose looks through the house, being curious, and finds a large couch and cozy fire in the livingroom.  She hears a creeking noise and goes upstairs to find a large bed and an empty bassinet gently rocking on the floor.
Moose then sees there is a door leading to an upper deck and goes outside to take in the grand view of Glint.  
Moose is exhausted and suffering  from injuries to her feet caused by pulling her carriage barefoot.  Moose manages to prepare her favorite meal, possum pot pie, and then sets up her cot on the  floor downstairs.
As our Moose drifts off to sleep she says a little prayer:  "Thank you lard fur Missy Gera what let me stay in her  house what is nice and cozy"
Moose dreams of her sweetheart, Hammer,  forgetting his rudeness and pretending he was nice to her instead of being cruel.  She dreams of dancing with him as all of Glint watches in envy.  Soon Moose is snoring with a big smile on her face.

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